
Showing posts from February, 2023

Can you be normal after hip replacement?

Yes, most people are able to return to a relatively normal lifestyle after a hip replacement surgery. The goal of hip replacement surgery is to relieve pain and improve function, allowing you to resume your normal activities. However, it's important to note that the recovery process can vary from person to person and may take several months. During this time, you may need to avoid certain activities or modify the way you perform them. You may also need to attend physical therapy sessions to help you regain strength and mobility in the hip joint. It's important to follow your doctor's instructions and attend all follow-up appointments to ensure that your recovery is progressing as expected. With time and proper care, many people are able to return to a normal level of activity after  Shalby hospital jaipur joint replacement surgeon . How much time it take to recover from a hip replacement? Recovery time after a hip replacement surgery can vary depending on several factors su...

How many hours after knee replacement can you walk?

  After  knee replacement surgery , the time it takes before you can start walking will depend on a variety of factors, including the extent of the surgery, your overall health, and your individual recovery process. In most cases, patients are able to stand and begin walking with assistance on the day of their surgery. However, the amount of weight-bearing allowed on the affected leg will depend on the specific instructions given by the surgeon and physical therapist. Typically, patients are allowed to gradually increase their weight-bearing over the course of several weeks, starting with short periods of walking with a walker or crutches and gradually progressing to longer periods of walking and eventually walking without assistance. It's important to follow your surgeon's and physical therapist's instructions closely to ensure proper healing and avoid complications. Can you climb stairs after knee replacement? Yes, it is generally possible to climb stairs after  knee re...

Who is not a best candidate for knee replacement?

Knee replacement shalby hospital jaipur is a common prosthetic device that many people have used for decades to restore functionality to damaged joints. Although knee replacement is highly effective at providing relief from the pain and disability that result from knee injury or arthritis, many patients have trouble deciding whether to undergo the procedure. For one thing, knee replacement surgery is usually only performed on patients in their sixties and seventies. After that age, it becomes progressively more difficult for the body to recover from such a major procedure. Essentially, knee replacement is an excellent treatment option for those who are in good health but are tired of living with joint pain .Patients who undergo  Knee replacement shalby hospital jaipur     typically feel better physically and emotionally. Many people report feeling much better after having knee replacement surgery. The procedure not only restores mobility but also eases physical and e...