Is hip surgery a major surgery?

Yes, hip surgery is generally considered a major surgery. It involves the surgical intervention of the hip joint, which is a large ball-and-socket joint connecting the thigh bone (femur) to the pelvis. Hip surgery is often performed to address various hip conditions, such as hip fractures, arthritis, hip impingement, and other joint-related issues. Major surgeries are typically those that involve significant incisions, significant tissue manipulation, and a longer recovery period. Hip surgery meets these criteria as it requires access to the hip joint through a sizable incision, involves the manipulation of bones and other tissues, and usually necessitates a considerable period of post-operative rehabilitation and recovery. While advancements in surgical techniques have led to less invasive procedures in some cases, hip surgery still remains a significant medical procedure that requires careful consideration and preparation. As with any major surgery, it carries inherent risks and requ...